Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, 2014- Intuition

Do you trust your intuition?

I don't trust my intuition. I use to, but I don't anymore. For me, intuition is very similar to gut instincts. I use to think I had a very good gut instincts. However, with all my past issues with anxiety, I no longer trust it. 

When I was in the worst part of my anxiety I would swear that I knew my stomach cramp or dizziness meant something far worst. I would have bet everything I owned on it. In reality, there was nothing wrong. It was the symptoms of my anxiety causing those physical feelings and emotional fears. I learned that every time I was positive or had a feeling about something, it was 100% the opposite. 

I know when it comes to your body you should listen to what your intuition and gut are telling you. Too often people ignore it and small problems have become big problems. I just need to relearn the truths and not the lies. It may take awhile, but it can be done.  

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29, 2014- Like A Lobster

Spent a nice relaxing day in my pool. It was hot outside so I made sure to put sunscreen on. Apparently I needed to reapply because I am burnt. Looks like it will be a very uncomfortable night sleep.

Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27, 2014- Hire Me

You are at an interview for your dream job. The interviewers asks you, ‘Why should we hire you?’
How do you answer?

I would answer in a very simple way and straight to the point. I would say, "I'll work harder than anyone else you hire, I will be the most organized person ever working in that position, I'll care about doing well more than anything else, I'll strive for the success of not only myself but my co-workers and the company as a whole, and I'll give it my very best every day. You should hire me for the position because it was made for me. It has been my dream and hope to work in a job like this, and I won't take it for granted, which means you know I'll give it everything I have."

Boom! Job offered. :)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26, 2014- Don't Like

I read the question for today and to be honest, I really didn't like the question. It was along the lines of what changes I could make to enhance and/or change my career path. I am actually fairly happy with my job/career right now. I don't want to change it right now, and I think I'm getting a lot out of my job. Maybe if I was thinking of starting a new career path or was unhappy with my job, I would get a lot more out of the question, but I think for now I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be in my job and career.

So instead of continuing on this subject I thought I would share something I saw on the beautiful Julianne Hough's Instagram the other day. It made me smile and I thought you may like it as well.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014- Working Lessons

What’s been the biggest lesson you’ve learned about work?

In the recent years of our economy work has been a tough thing. People are being laid off constantly. My brother has been laid off twice, and I have been laid off once. For me, the biggest lesson I have learned is not what you know, but who you know. Having a college education, strong work ethic, and years with a company mean nothing when it comes to businesses closing. Your best way at getting a foot in the door is by knowing someone who can open that door for you.

This is true for me. How I got the interview for my current job is a family friend knew the owners of the company and gave a recommendation for me. Without that I never would have heard of the opening, and probably would have never had that initial interview. Sure once I was in the interview it was all on me, but without knowing someone I would have never had my chance to shine. It's sad that all the years of schooling, hard work, and years of work experience are not the main thing the majority of job seekers can use today. It's all about who can help them get that first introduction.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24, 2014- Stay With Me

Not feeling too great today. I had a terrible night sleep and think I have some kind of stomach bug. So instead of writing I'm going to relax and share the song with you that has been stuck in my head all day. Enjoy and hopefully I'll kick this by tomorrow.

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014- Learn More

What would you like to learn more about?

I didn't write yesterday. I got home really late and had a massive headache. I know this is an excuse, but it's the truth. Moving on though; new night, new question.

I would like to learn more about a lot of things. I would love to learn more about Greek mythology, different religions, animal science, how to sew, how to cook, the famous structures in Europe like the Trevi Fountain or the Leaning Tower of Pisa, how they film movies, how they record music, and so much other stuff. My dream is to win the lottery so I never have to work and can spend my time taking random classes and learn about random subjects. I would love how to learn to be a better writer so I could publish a book, how to do a ballroom dance, and how to hockey stop in ice skates. Mostly I just want to learn and become the best possible version of myself.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 21, 2014- No Internet

No internet connection on my laptop so I can't get to the question of the day. So, I guess have a good night!! I'll be back tomorrow!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

July 20, 2014- More Time

When will you ever have more time than you do right now?

I don't know if I'll ever have more time. We all get 24 hours a day, that's it. It's what we do with that time that is the factor. It is all about time management. It is a balance between doing the things you have to do verses the things you want to do. I definitely think i will have more time to do the things  I want to do when I no longer have the things I have to do, like work. Maybe one day when I'm able to retire I will have time. Until then, I have my weekends. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

July 19, 2014- Mentor

Who would be your dream mentor?

One dream of mine is to write a successful book series. Even though I am a grown woman, I love book series like Harry Potter, Twilight, and the Hunger Games. I am also a huge lover of all books by Nicholas sparks. I would love to write books like that and have them be so successful that they become made into movies. It would be a deem to have my imagination and worlds I create turned into a visual story/movie.

Since this is a dream of mine I would love to have a mentor like J.K Rowling, Stephanie Meyer, or Nicholas Sparks. I would love to just sit down with them and pick their brains and imagination. I would love to see their writing process, ask how they get out of writer block/rut situations, ask how they went about trying to get published, and see how they feel seeing the success behind their work. Even if they didn't become a mentor, I would love to just have an afternoon with them, and maybe show them any stuff I may have at that point. That would be my dream.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014- Career Influence

Who’s been the biggest influence in your career so far?

I would not say I have a career. I would say I have a job; and as much as I love it I don't think it will be what I will be doing for the rest of my life. Not because I don't like it, but because I am young and have many working years ahead of me. I'm sure there will come a time when I will want to try something new, but for now I enjoy going to work every day. I love the people I work with and I like the work I do. For now, it is exactly what I want to do. I definitely think it will be like that for awhile and that I will be there for awhile.

So even though I don't have a career influence, I have a work ethic influence. That influence is my parents. They have always set a good example because they work hard. They are both retired now, but when they did work they hardly ever missed days. They would show up, be on time, and continue working at 100% until it was time to clock out. They have instilled in my siblings and myself the importance of being hard workers, responsible employees, reliable people, and trustworthy humans. If I can be at least half of the great workers my parents are then I will have a very good reputation in my work and career life.   

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014- In My Flow

When was the last time you really felt ‘in your flow’? When you felt life was simple, brilliant, fun, easy? What were you doing? Who was around you?

There is a point in each day when I feel I am in my flow, especially at work. For whatever reason, when I return from lunch until it is time to leave, I get the majority of my work done in that time period. Also, when I am writing my posts each night, there is a point where I just keep writing and it comes so easily. So I am in my flow every day.
Now, the time in which I felt life was simple, brilliant, fun, and easy was from the ages of 20 years-old to 24 years-old. It was during this time that I was going to college and working in retail. From 19 years-old to 22 years-old I worked at my first clothing store. For me, this was my college experience. I met friends I am still friends with today, I went through my partying stage, and I graduated college. I was around people who made me happy, supported me, who I had fun with, and who I never fought with.
After I graduated college, I got a new job at another retail store. I can honestly say working at the job was the most fun I have ever had at a job. Myself and EVERYONE I worked with were so floe. We would spend the entire day working together, and then immediately go hangout after. We went on trips together, celebrated birthdays and graduations, and were there for each other even during the rough times. We were more than co-workers and friends, we were our own mini family. 
When I look back on the past these are the times I miss the most. I am still friends with some of the people I was during this simple, fun, easy, brilliant time. However, things have changed. Some have moved away, some of found different interests, and some we have just simply grown apart because work hasn't forced us to be in constant contact. As much as I miss those times and wish things were still like that every now and then, I'm happy to at least have the memories. What is even nicer, is that even with the separation and things being different now, I know that no matter the time laps, there are still a select few from that time period I know I can call on no matter what.

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16, 2014- Experience

Do you believe that experience is the most important part of living? What 3 experiences do you wish to have in the next 12 months?

I do think that experience is the most important part of living. It is through having an experience that we learn about ourselves. It is the time in which we can grow or falter. By having experiences we learn how to get through life, and even though we don't realize it, we often have a lot of the same experiences. Love, loss, disappointment, fear, happiness, etc. We all experience those in life.

In my life there are experiences I would love to have again, like being side stage watching a band I really like at a huge music festival. There are also experiences that I wish I hope to never have again, like when we had a couple health scares involving my mom. Even with all that, it has taught me different aspects of life. Being side stage taught me that childhood fantasies can come true, and having a health scares with my mom taught me how much I need my family in my life. Experience is the greatest teacher we have.

Three experiences I hope to have in the next 12 months are going sky diving. I really want to, but because of past health issues involving my heart and back, I'm unsure if it's possible. I hope it is though. I also want to be debt credit card debt free. I am almost there, so it should be an experience I could have. Also, I would love to go to a movie premier. I just think that would be so fun to see a red carpet and be around all that exciting energy.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 15, 2014- Father's Day

Today is Father's Day so I thought I would share my  favorite picture of my Dad, brother, and I from when I was younger. For me, the greatest gift my Dad has given me is the importance of a strong worth ethic. He has done this simply by example. I don't know anyone else works as hard as my dad. He always gives 100% no matter what he is doing.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 14, 2014- Computers

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. Pablo Picasso.
Respond to this quote.

I didn't post yesterday. After getting home from work last night I was busy cleaning up the house and do all my chores I normally do on the weekend. That way I could spend the afternoon with my parents. They stayed an extra week longer on vacation that I did. But they are home now!!
When I first look at this quote I find it hard to believe that Pablo Picasso really understood how the computer would end up. He died in 1973, long before the computer as we know it today was around. Computers at that time were mostly for military use, help with calculating information, and a way to print and process symbols. The first personal computer came out in 1971, and was nothing like computers now.
However, I think what Picasso was getting at was that computers are useless because they only give answers. It is us, the user/person, who controls those answers. This is because we are the ones who ask the questions, who seek the information, and who control the computer. Computers don't have the power; we do. We not only seek the answers, we provide them. Without us using them and creating them, computers would not be what they are today.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 12, 2014- Yesterday

Do you let yesterday use up too much of today?

I often do not think too much each day about what happened the day before. The majority of my days involve work, and when I leave work I leave it there. However, major things in my life, both good and bad, I have a hard time of letting go. I hold onto them for awhile. It's not until time passes and gets replaced by a new event that it is easy to let go. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014- Be Proud Of

Think about the people that are important to you. What should they be proud of?

Mom- She is the most giving and selfless person I've ever met.

Dad- He is the hardest worker I know.

Justin- He loves doing nice things for those he cares about.

Wesley- How accomplished and respected he is for his running ability and knowledge.

Dionne- She is an amazing listener and advice giver.

Bethany- She is one of the smartest and hardest working kids I know.

Emma- She truly cares deeply about people.

Kennedy- She can make anyone laugh.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014- Never Fail

What would you attempt, if you knew you could not fail?

If I could not fail I would open up my own studio in the Hollywood area. I would have a couple rooms for dance studios, a couple rooms for band/music rehearsals, and a few rooms for recording studios. I would then magically gain even more rhythm than I already have and teach dance classes there. I would have it open and available to the every day musician as well as famous artists. I would also want an area to have shows and parties. I think this would be such a fun business to own. I love music and dance, but unfortunately I was not born with either of this talents. So if I couldn't fail why not be in that environment another way.

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014- 90 Years Old

Picture yourself at 90. Describe what has made you happy.

First of all, I hope I live till I'm 90 years old. My Dad's side of the family lives long so I hope I take after them.

When I'm 90 years old the things that will make me happy are having shared my life with my family, having a loving husband and children, checking off all the items on my bucket list, being able to provide and support myself completely, having a dog for the rest of my life, staying healthy, and continuing to stay positive. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014- Hard Life

If you think life is hard, what are you comparing it to?

Before I start writing for today's questions, sorry I didn't stay on top of things too much lately. I was on vacation and out of the country so it was hard to always have access to the internet, as well as, the time. But I am back home now and will be on a schedule again. This is good because I am a create of habit and do well with routine. Plus it means I will be writing every day again.

I do think life is hard, but only at times. When things are going well, life is easy and fun. It is when we are having a dip in our life journey that it can be hard. Family issues, money problems, health battles, and the "dramas" of every day like can really bring life down. Believe me; I have experienced all of these just like I'm sure anyone reading this has. 

For me, I don't always think life is hard but I know a lot of people do. I think why so many people think that is because we believe what we see. Our society in inundated with images in the shows we watch, the movies we see, the things we read, and the stories we hear. Plus we live in a would where social networks consume life. All these images and people we are "friends" with or "following" put an image out there we want people to believe. That image is the perfect life, and if we are not matching that life than we think life is unfair and hard. Instead of trying to match our life with the ones we see, we need to figure out how to live our own lives. I'm not saying it is easy, but when you can figure out how to live your own life and not the life we think we should be living, it won't seem so hard. Once we stop comparing life will seem easy, even during the hard times.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5, 2014- Quote

Write this quote in your journal. Never be afraid to ask a question, especially of yourself. Discovery is the mission of life. Brian Kates

Never be afraid to ask a question, especially of yourself. Discovery is the mission of life. - Brian Kates

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3, 2014- Ask A Loved One

Listening is an act of love. Write a list of questions you’d love to ask a loved one.

In honor of my Mom's birthday today I would want to ask her questions about her birthday. I would ask her things like:

What was your best birthday?
What was your worst birthday? 
Do you know the story about the day you were born?
What is one birthday gift you remember really wanting and getting?
Do you like celebrating your birthday? 
Did you have a good birthday today?

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014- Volunteer

Do you volunteer? If so, what do you love about it? If not, what causes do you feel most passionately about?

I have fed the homeless twice, but that is the extent of my volunteering. I would love to do more though. I would love to. I would love to work at an animal shelter. I would also like to go read with or play with kids in the hospital. Basically, I would like to volunteer with anything that involves helping others less fortunate than me. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1, 2014- Nature

What’s something you love about nature? How does it make you feel?

Things I love about nature is the sound of beach waves, giant trees, all the colors of fall, animals (most of them at least), the color green, life. 

To me, nature makes me feel in awe. I can't believe how everything just does what it does. And it does it without being told to do it. It just does. And it's amazing.