Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30, 2014- More Than A Feeling

What’s your favorite feeling? More than just a word, can you describe the experience?

My favorite feeling is excitement. I love the feeling because it literally makes me want to jump up and down, clap my hands, and smile ear to ear. It is a feeling that radiates through my entire body. When I'm really excited I feel like I can't sit steal. The minutes cannot go by quick enough. The last time I felt like this was last week when I was coming home from my work trip. I could not wait to get home, see my room, have a meal made by my mom, and of course see my dog. I think we should get this feeling as much as possible.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28, 2014- Self-Portrait

Draw a self-portrait. It doesn’t have to be good, just draw one.

So I didn't draw this picture, but I took a picture of myself that was taken within the last year. I decided to edit it to make it how I see myself.  The picture is fairly standard, however I added bright colors to it. Those are to represent the warmth, positivity, and brightness that I hope to not only bring to my life, but to radiate from myself. I had some dark days in my past, but now I'm excited the light is starting to come out. Plus I added a boarder I thought was cool and that I liked.

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014- Waking Up

Finish this sentence. The best part of waking up is…

The best part of waking up is waking up. By waking up, we are given all the possibilities of a new day.  I often think I know exactly how my day is going to go, and it seems to always go in a different direction. Sometimes the direction is bad, but sometimes it's very good. There is the cliche that each day is a new opportunity. It is a chance to start over and leave the previous day behind you. It may be cliche but it's true, and it's what I like most about waking up each morning.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 26, 2014- Goosebumps

What gives you goosebumps just by thinking of it?

I don't get goosebumps that easily. In fact, there is only one time in the last few years that I remember getting goosebumps for a time other than just being cold. It was at my church for a free concert by a Christian artist named Phil Wickham. I was there with my mom and my mom's best friend. It was rather loud and I had a pretty bad headache for most of that day. The music was so loud that it was making my headache unbearable. My mom's friend also had a headache so we decided after the next song we were going to leave. The next song ended up being a song called Spirit of the Living God

Now I have been to a lot of concerts and a lot of shows. I've heard both from people in real life and people on television say that a performance had given them goosebumps. I had never experienced that until Phil Wickham preformed that song. From the moment he started the goosebumps came and almost lasted the entire song. I'm not sure what it was or why it gave me them. I know I had never seen someone play the guitar so well and sing with so much feeling, and be that close to them, ever before. Even thinking about it now, I get chills. It was pretty cool and has yet to happen again.

Friday, October 24, 2014

October 24, 2014- Advice

Who do you ask for advice when you need it? Why them? Do they ask you for advice too?

I always go to my mom for advice. Anything good or bad, I talk to her about. I think I ask her because every since I was a kid she has been my rock. She has been there through all my surgeries and hospital stays. I think because she knows me so well, she has my best interest. I also think that since I value her opinion, that is why I ask her for her. My mom has asked me for advice in the past, but it doesn't happen too often. She knows she can, but for the most part, she's pretty good about figuring things out herself.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23, 2014- Time Period

If you could visit any time period when would you choose? If you have the choice to stay there, would you? Why/why not?

After all my traveling yesterday I was exhausted. I fell asleep even more I could realize I needed to still write a post, but I'm back on track today.

I feel like this question has been asked a few times already. Since I love Greek Mythology so much I would really like to visit that time period. However, I don't think I would want to stay. They were not too advanced on the medical front so I'm glad to be living now instead of then.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 21, 2014- Serenity

What color represents serenity for you? Color this page in it and write the word SERENITY in a bottom corner.

For me, serenity comes every time I'm at the beach. The sound of the waves crashing, the blue of the ocean, and the heat of the sun. It's perfect.

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014- Curiosity

What color represents curiosity to you? Fill this page with the color and write the corresponding word somewhere on the page too.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 19, 2014- Toronto

In Toronto the next few days for work. I'm going to try and keep up, but we will see. On the flip side, today/tonight is actually the first time since I started dealing with issues of anxiety and depression, almost 2 1/2 years ago, that I have spent away from my parents (my mom specifically). So far so good!! Which makes me happy, not because I'm away from them, but because it means I've made progress.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 18, 2014- Envy

What color represents envy for you? We know the saying green with envy, but think about the emotion and see if it has any other colors that match it for you? Fill the page in your chosen color and write the word ENVY somewhere.

Last night I went straight from work to a hockey and didn't make it home until well after midnight. Today, though, it's back to thinking and writing.

For the most part there is not a lot I want or am extremely unhappy with in my life right now. The only thing I wish I had was someone to share things with. Yes I have my family and friends, but a significant other would be nice too. This is why when I think of envy, I think of the color pink. I can be envious at times of those in relationships and in love.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

October 16, 2014- Fear

What color represents fear for you? Color this page in the color and write somewhere the word FEAR.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15, 2014- Love

This week in your journal is a week of color and emotions...
What color represents love to you? Color this page in it then write in one of the corners the word LOVE.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14, 2014- Poem

Write a poem today. It can be about absolutely anything. If you like you can make it rhyme, but it doesn’t have to. Just write a poem. It doesn’t have to be good, but put it on your page. You will have created something.

Roses are red, violets are blue,

You gotta love all that you do.

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2013- Living

How do you want to live? Are you living your life how you want to?

It's funny because I have always been one of those people who hearing an inspiring or thought provoking quote or idea can completely stick with me. It can make me look and think about things in a different way. It can bring my mood down or lift me up. The power of words has always been something that stays with me.

I believe I wrote about this specific quote in my last blog. It still describes exactly how I want to live my life. The quote is, She approaches life with a quiet sense of calm. You instantly feel at peace in her presence. With all the anxiety and depression I have had to deal with in the last few years, all I wanted was to feel a sense of calm and peace inside. For the most part, I am living this way. I still have my moments, but I think everyone does.

I have a stronger sense of calm than I did. I am more comfortable with who I am, who my family is, and who I have in my life. I have made huge strides in making peace with the things in my past and the things I was forced to deal with. I hope one day I will have 100% calmness inside 100% of the time, but for right now I'm okay with where I'm at. It's where I'm suppose to be- at about 85% calmness 85% of the time.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 12, 2014- Title

If you had to choose a book or film title that defines you or your life, what would it be?

If I had to come up with a title for a book or movie about my life it would actually come from a song. There is a song by Ashlee Simpson called Beautifully Broken. It's not the best song, but it comes with a good message. It states that as a person, no one is perfect, but that doesn't mean we are not beautiful and don't have a beautiful life. For me, I've have my share of negatives, but I still have had a pretty good life. I always seem to come out alright, no matter the downs I have faced in my life.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11, 2014- My Wall

Finish this sentence. On my wall hangs…

On my walls hangs all types of inspiration. There is photos of my favorite place in Huntington Beach, craft projects I made from my therapy group, and a huge bulletin board. On that board are all my favorite photos of my family and friends. I try to update it with new pictures as often as possible. I haven't done it in awhile though, so it might be time to do that.

Friday, October 10, 2014

October 10, 2014- Corn Maze

Today is a friend of mines birthday. To celebrate we are going to a haunted corn maze at a local college. I'm not a huge fan of being scared, but this actually seems fun. The video is from a few years ago, but I guess this is what I'm in for.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9, 2014- Horoscope

Do you read your horoscope? Do you believe in astrology? Why? Find your horoscope for today and stick it into your journal with your answer.

I will read my horoscope from time to time. If it is in a magazine I'm reading or pops up on a website I'm on I will take a look at it. However, I don't read it on a regular basis. I think it is because I don't believe in it. The majority things I have read involving my astrological sign, which is Gemini, it often does not match. I also don't think I have ever read my horoscope for the day, or week, or month, or year, and it has been true. Just like anything else, you can pick a specific day and find a hundred different versions for that day. If it was suppose to be true, then why are there so many different versions? Maybe I haven't found a good one, but I don't think anyone can truly predict the future, and I don't think that being born at a certain time in the year defines who you are.

I got my horoscope today from

You just can’t stand not knowing absolutely everything that’s going on around you — but for the next few weeks, you’d better at least try to get used to it. Someone who loves you is working on a surprise for you right now, and even though you know you can figure it out if you really want to, don’t. You’ll only spoil it. Let them have their fun.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8, 2014- Drive

What is your mode of transportation? Is this out of choice or necessity? If you could change it, how would you choose to travel? 

I drive a 2014, 4 door, Ford Focus. It is white, tinted windows, blue tooth, and automatic everything. I got it last year after I was hit by another car and my car at the time was totaled. My car was definitely my choice. I'm the one who bought it. If I had more money I would have loved to get an Audi, BMW, or Lexus, but I can't afford them. If I really had a choice, my mode of transportation would be to fly like a bird. I live in Los Angeles, so traffic is a daily routine. It would be so nice to be able to fly and avoid all of that.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7, 2014- Surprise, Surprise

What is something you’ve done that would surprise those closest to you?

I'm an open book so I don't think there is much I have done that I haven't told people. One thing I can think of is that I started to write a story. I didn't get very far and I never finished it. It was loosely inspired by the past internships I have worked at. I still have it on my computer saved, so maybe one day I will finish it. For now, I want to focus my writing on trying to learn new things about myself.

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014- Do Well

What did you do well today? Don’t be modest, be honest and be proud. Write it down and acknowledge your achievements, however small they might seem.

Here were my accomplishments for the day: I woke up for work on time, I got Tyson to take his medicine, I got to work on time, I got the majority of my checklist done at work, I got a hold of people at work I have been trying awhile to, I made my own dinner, and made plans with a few friends this week.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 5, 2014- Drinks

What drink do you often order when out for a meal or drinks with friends? Draw it on your page today.

My favorite drink to order when I'm out, or even when I'm home, is Diet Coke.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 4, 2014- Sing A Song

If you had to sing a song in front of a crowd, what song would you choose to sing?

I hope I never have to sing in front of a crowd. I accepted the fact a long time ago that I am completely tone deaf. Of course, if I go to a concert, am at church, or in my car I'll sing along. However, karaoke never has and never will be my thing. Tonight though, I guess I will technically be singing in front of a crowd. My dad and I are going to see Blake Shelton tonight. I will definitely be singing along and there definitely will be a crowd. Check out below to see which song I'm most excited about singing long to.

Friday, October 3, 2014

October 3, 2014- Childhood Toys & Games

What are your three favourite childhood toys or games? Do you still have them?

Growing up my favorite board game was Life. I loved making up a pretend life, but I hated how long it always took. I still have it and have even gotten to play it with my nieces. I also really enjoyed playing solitaire as a child. I don't have the same deck of cards, but I still have a solitaire. I also really liked playing a Harry Potter game on the computer. I took me FOREVER to complete, but I remember doing it. Unfortunately I don't have that game anymore, or that computer either. 

Growing up myself and the neighborhood kids didn't play a lot of games or with many toys. We loved being outside. We would play soccer, ride bikes, play hockey, go to the pond and search for frogs, put on plays, swim, and ride around in our power wheel jeeps. There were a lot of kids in the neighborhood. There were just as many girls as boys, and we would always play together. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 2, 20114- Prized Posession

Draw your most prized possession. How did you make the choice of what to draw?

Last night I went straight from work to a friends house for a pumpkin painting party. I ended up getting home almost close to midnight, so that was why there was a lack of a post. Tonight, I'm back on it.

My most prized possession is my family: Dad, Mom, Brothers, Sister-In-Law, Nieces, and Tyson.
Note: I actually did draw this using the paint program on my computer.