Thursday, July 31, 2014

July 31, 2014- High School Memories

What piece of information do you still remember from high school?

I honestly do not know the answer for this. I feel like the things I know, I just know them. I can't remember where I learned them from. I know in high school I learned how to solve algebra problems, I learned how to drive, I learned how to read Shakespeare, I learned about the Civil War, I learned about the the human body, etc. Picking out a specific bit of information, I don't know. I learned a lot of information. That I do know. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 30, 2014- Childhood Experiences

List 3 things from your childhood that you wish all children/ people could experience.

3 things from my childhood that I wish all children/people could experience are:

1.) Family Vacations

Growing up my elementary operated on a track system. That meant every 4 months we would get 1 month off. So about 3 times a year my family and I would take a vacation. We went to San Diego, Fremont, Arizona, Canada, Oregon, Hearst Castle, and so many more places I can't even remember.

2.) Holiday Traditions

One of my favorite traditions growing up was involving Christmas. My brother and I would sleep in my room. My Mom would read The Night Before Christmas to us before we went to sleep. Then my brother and I would try and take turns to stay awake in case we heard Santa, but we would always fall asleep. The following morning my parents would take a picture of my brother and I, in our pajamas, in front of the tree. That tradition we still have.

3.) Embarrassing Photos

We all need them for blackmail purposes like when we bring a new boyfriend/girlfriend over, wedding days, graduations, etc. It's something we all need to have.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 29, 2014- Time Travel

If you could travel backwards in time, what era would you visit and why?

There is a ton of places I would love to go back in time for. I would love to see a dinosaur, worship the Greek Gods, see the slavery be abolished, wear poodle skirts, be a hippie, etc. One subject in school I loved learning about was the medieval era. Princes and princess, knights, turkey legs, and castles. Minus the ebola virus, I think it would be really fun to spend some time in medieval times.

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014- Just Getting In

Went straight from work to a friend's house to cook, watch tv, and just have some girl time. I'm just getting in though and I'm too exhausted to open up my computer, find the question of the day, and write. So this is what will have to do. Goodnight!!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27, 2014- My Name

Who gave you your name and why did they choose it?

My parents are the ones who named me. Up until I was a few weeks away from being born, my parents had a specific name picked out for me. Then one day my mom was at the park and there was a girl there named Jennifer. My mom really liked it so she went back and told my dad. They both really liked it, so my name become Jennifer. My original name is not completely gone though, because it is my middle name. There were two names my parents liked, and I got them both.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 26, 2014- Money

How do you feel about money?

To me, money equals power. It defines everything in our society. It is all about how much money you or how much money you don't have. Basically we couldn't do anything in this world without it. 

I have always been good with my money. I always pay my bills on time and I never spend money when I don't have it. Unfortunately until recently I didn't always have the best paying jobs. Now that I do I have paid off all my debt, that I acquired from school and medical bills, which has been huge. Now, it is time to save and work towards my goal of getting my own place. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25, 2014- First Job

Describe the first job you had.

The first job I had was at a family fun center. They had arcade games, a roller rink (which was later turned into a laser tag arena), go-karts, miniature gold, batting cages, bumper boats, a rock climbing wall, and an ice cream parlor. The area I worked in was the prize redemption counter. I would not only sell all the tickets for all the activities, but I would help kids redeem their tickets for prizes.
I started at this job when I was 17 years-old and worked there for just about 2 years. I worked my way up to a supervisor position in the time I was there. I even made a lot of friends there. Some of them I still talk to today. I also was very excited when my best friend at the time I also got a job there in the same area as me.
I remember it was actually kind of difficult to get the job. There was a few mix ups, but I eventually got the job. I remember being nervous at first, but it wasn't too hard of a job. I learned a lot about responsibility and hard work. It also taught me a lot of patience working with the public, and especially with kids. It wasn't the best first job, but I was lucky to have it.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 24, 2014- Truth

Finish this sentence. The truth about me is…

The truth about me is I am finally at the place where I am comfortable with who I am. I feel like I know myself pretty well, and I like who I am. I understand that I have faults and there are things I can do to grow and change, but so does everyone else. I've been through a lot in my life and that is the point. I've gotten through it. I am a strong person and I know that. I know half the people out there would not have faired so well. It is that recognition of strength, and not pitting myself, that has made me like who I am.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 23, 2014- Circus

If you joined the circus, what act would you most like to perform?

I am a huge lover of animals and I would want to make sure they were being treated properly. So if I joined the circus I would want to be one of the acts that involved the animals. I would probably end up working with the elephants, horses, or there have even been circuses with sea lions. I don't think I would want to work with the lions or bears. This is because they seem to be both the most unpredictable and the softest. This means I would want to cuddle them all the time and then get hurt in the process. I've never been to a circus before, but I wouldn't mind going to one.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 22, 2014- One Task

What’s the one task you do each week that provides you with the greatest fulfillment?

One of the biggest things I pride myself on is that I genuinely care. I care if I do a good job about work,  I care about keeping my relationships with people, I care whether or not my family knows i love them, I care if I am the best dog mommy I can be, etc. It is the moments each week that I do something that shows I care that give me the most fulfillment. By going out of my way to complete a task at work, texting or calling a friend to see how their day/week has been, telling my family members I love them when I get off the phone with them, and cuddling with my dog each night all bring me happiness. They all make me feel good and like I have a purpose. They are what make me feel full in this life.

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014- Act Of Kindness

What acts of kindness could you carry out every day that would make a difference to someone’s life?

I'm a firm believer in that it is the little things that count. I always try and do one small nice thing every day. It is that one small thing that could completely change a persons entire day. i always make sure to say hello when I pass people when I'm out walking. I also always make sure I say please and thank you as much as I can. I will hold the door open whenever I get the change. If I am driving, I'll let someone in when there is a long line of cars trying to merge. It is little things like this that I do every day that can make a difference.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20, 2014- This Moment

What do you want at this very moment?

At this very moment I would love both a Jamba Juice smoothie and a massage. It's warm outside and a smoothies sounds very satisfying. Also, my back has been sore and its been a stressful week so a massage sounds great. That is the superficial answer.

The thing that I could always use at any given moment is love. Love for what I am doing, love for those in need, love for and from my family, the love of a significant other, the love of life. I feel like I do have love in my life, but love is such a great thing. I don't think we could ever have enough. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 19, 2014- Maybe Tomorrow

Today was an extremely long, but fun, day. Going to write tomorrow. Off to bed to watch tv and fall asleep. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

July 18, 2014- Daddy's Girl

What traits did you get from your father?

I am much more like my dad than my mom; especially physically. I am tall and thin like him. I also got my blue eyes and blonde hair from him. I look at my dad and I can tell that we have the same nose. There is no denying that my dad is my dad. I definitely take after his side.

I also have a lot of the same personality traits as my dad. We are both creatures of habit and like routine. I also got my strong work ethic from him. Just like my mom, my dad is very neat. I take after him in that regard as well. My dad and I are also more on the introvert side. We tend to both be quiet when we are in a group with people we don't know. I also think I got my goofiness and moments of being childlike from him.

I also got some of my not so flattering traits from my dad. I can be very moody just like him. I also like to argue and always have to have the last word. Growing up this was the root of any disagreements we had. We both had to be right and win. 

It's funny to watch because my older brother and I take after my dad, both physically and personality wise. As we have become older we recognize how much we are like my dad and his side of the family. Now that my older brother has kids of his own, it is interesting and easy to see which of his kids take after that side as well. In fact, my brother and his oldest daughter are so much like my dad and myself. It's like another version. To me, that's pretty cool to see.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17, 2014- I Got It From My Momma

What traits did you get from your mother?

Physically there is not a lot I got from my mom. In fact, there are only 3 things I can think of. When my mom smiles, it's a lot of gums. The same goes for me. I also have the same hands as my mom. We both have the short, stubby fingers with large knuckles. I also have the flat, straight finger nails like she does.

There is more personality wise I got from my mom. I find I enjoy doing things for others just like she does. I tend to be fairly nurturing and take on the mom role in most situations. I always like to make sure my chicks are in a row just like she does. I am also very clean and organized like her. I like doing things around the house like cleaning and laundry. I am not as social as her. I can't strike up a conversation with anyone like she can, but I do enjoy being around people just like she does. I am also a home body like her. I prefer staying in rather than a late night out.

There are other traits I have just like my mom that are not always the most flattering. I tend to be a control freak like her. I don't like it when I have to give that up. As a result sometimes when we try and have control, it comes off as nagging. I also get a lot of my worrying from her. If someone is running late or not where they are suppose to be, we both think the worst has happened. I am also pretty emotional like my mom. We both can be watching something, look over, and we are both crying. Even when it's not sad, but happy. 

I think the most important thing I have received from my mom is that we both value our relationships. If we are a friend, we go above and beyond for them. We both think family is the most important thing. We tell people we love them, and we help when we can. I wish I had more traits like my mom because I think she is so amazing, but I happy with what I got.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 16, 2014- 3 Friends, 3 Reasons

Write down the names of three of your friends and 3 reasons each for why you love them.

I don't really want to say the names of my friends, so I'll just put their first initials instead.

1.) D
     a.) He is willing to do whatever it takes to help others.
     b.) He is so funny and goofy without even trying to be.
     c.) He loves his family.

2.) N
    a.) She is a great listener.
    b.) She knows exactly what she wants and goes after it.
    c.) She keeps the plans she makes.

3.) R
    a.) She is always willing to go out and try something new.
    b.) She stands up for herself.
    c.) She is very independent.  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15, 2014- Sundays

Sundays are for...
Finish this sentence.

Sundays are for relaxing. They are the days to go to church, spend time with family, prepare for the week ahead, and for regrouping in order to begin a new week on a positive note. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014- Self Confidence

What boosts your self confidence? Why?

For the most part I am a pretty confident person. I have moments of self doubt and days I don't feel good about myself just like everyone else though. However, I always grew up being told by my parents and loved ones that I was important and could do anything I want. I was always treated equal and never treated special because I was "disabled" or "different." It is those type of things today that continue to boost my self confidence. Receiving compliments, praise, and encouragement are all boosts for me because they make me feel good. I feel important, valued, and loved.

There are also other superficial things that boost my self confidence as well. Getting my hair done, getting my nails done, wearing a cute outfit, having my makeup done, etc. Anytime I take the time out to pamper myself I gain confidence. That's because when I feel like I have taken the extra effort on myself, I feel like I value myself. I care about myself enough to take the time to do something for me. And that is the best kind of confidence to have, the kind I give myself.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13, 2014- Every Day

What do you see every day on your way to work?

On my way to work I always drive by a bike/walking path. Every morning I see people walking or running on it. Occasionally I will see a biker. Of those people walking I see the same woman and her 2 dogs. I first noticed her because one of her dogs is a pug, and I LOVE pugs. She has their leashes connected to her waist. Most if the time she is walking up the path, but occasionally she is walking down. She is there every day, that I actually have started looking for her now.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 12, 2014- 5 Things

List 5 things people are surprised to find out about you.

1.) I'm afraid of the ocean.

- I LOVE the beach. It is my happy place and where I hope to live one day. I will even go in the water, but only until about my knees. I'm not a strong swimmer so going out in the big ocean with its strong waves and currents in not my favorite. So you'll never catch me body surfing at the beach.

2.) I can't remember the words to songs unless the song it playing.

- As soon as a song starts I can remember the words, who sings it; everything. If I ever had to sing a song and there was no music but just singing, or just music but no singing, I won't be able to remember the words.

3.) I hate the heat.

- You would hunk growing up in the desert in California would make me use to, and even like the heat. I hate it. I feeling warm and sweaty. Basically, anything over 80 degrees I'm not a fan of.

4.) I've never seen Justin Timberlake, as a solo artist, in concert.

-Justin is my favorite of all time and I've never seen him. I saw him twice when he was apart of Nsync, but never when he has been on his own. His concerts either sell out too fast or are too expensive.

5.) My favorite chore is laundry.

-Not sure why, but it is. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

July 11, 2014- I Don't Know

My hand is still a little sore and I'm pretty tired after getting in from dinner with the girls. So please enjoy this weird, random video.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10, 2014- Thinking Out Loud

My hand is still pretty sore today. The anxiety is staying under control though. One thing that has been helping is I'm listening to Ed Sheeran's new cd on repeat. My favorite song on it is "Thinking Out Loud." It's so good. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 9, 2014- Hurt Again

I'm turning into my father and getting hurt all the time. I hurt my hand pretty bad last night. The worst part is it's my dominate hand so things have been difficult, like typing this. I'm working on keeping my anxiety under control with all the things I have learned since my health is one of my biggest issues with anxiety. So instead of writing tonight, I'm going to share a quote that has been helping today.

I don't accept the maxim 'there's no gain without pain', physical or emotional. I believe it is possible to develop and grow with joy rather than grief. However, when the pain comes my way, I try to get the most growth out of it.

- Alexa McLaughlin

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7, 2014- Can I Go Again??

Create a list of 10 places that you’ve loved visiting.

1.) Anywhere in Huntington Beach, CA

2.) Quebec City, Montreal

3.) Truckee River, Lake Tahoe, CA

4.) Hockey Hall of Fame, Toronto, Canada

5.) Xcaret, Mexico

6.) Grand Canyon, Arizona

7.) The Lakes, Outdoor Skating Rink in Thousand Oaks, CA

8.) Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, CA

9.) Arbraska, Zip Lining, Montreal, Canada

10.) Drive in Movies, Van Nuys, CA (As a Kid)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6, 2014- Something Great

Write down something great that happened today.

Today my parents and I went to church. We haven't been in a long time and I've been feeling a little guilty about it. At the start of church each week the worship team starts off by singing 2-3 worship songs. I've heard a lot of them, but there are a few I particularly like. The second song they sang, was one of those few I really like. It was like I was being told it was okay I haven't been there awhile, just don't go so long next time.

"This Is Amazing Grace" by Phil Wickham

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 5, 2014- Art

Do you appreciate art? What do you think its purpose is...does it have one?

I do and don't appreciate art. I appreciate the talent and skill it takes to create art, but I don't necessarily think going to an art museum is at the top of my "fun things to do" list. I wouldn't mind going to an art show to see what it is all about. I also love that it gives people an outlet to get their creativity and emotions out. 

When I think of art I automatically things of painting and sculptures, but art includes so much more. It can include photography, music, poetry, and writing. Art is anything creative that helps to portray an idea or emotion. That is it's purpose. To send a message both for yourself and others. Art has the purpose of bringing people together and giving another piece of beauty into the world.

Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4, 2014- Happy Birthday America!!

Spent my July 4th doing all the sterotypical American stuff: Beach, BBQ, fireworks, and family. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

July 3, 2014- Great Adventure

What is a great adventure you would like to embark on?

The great adventure I would like to embark on is travel. There are a ton of places I would like to see. Instead of writing about where I want to go, I'll show you.

Zion Park, Utah

Maui, Hawaii

New York City

Wilmington, North Carolina

New Orleans, Louisiana

Forks, Washington

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Dublin, Ireland

London, England

Paris, France

All of Italy

Athens, Greece


Madrid, Spain


Berlin, Germany

Sydney, Australia

New Zealand



And a few other places….

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July 2, 2014- Destiny Or Fate

Do you believe in destiny or fate? Explain why or why not.

Destiny is defined as: 1.) something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; lot or fortune 2.) the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events 3.) the power or agency that determines the course of events. Fate is defined as: 1.) something that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune; lot 2.) the universal principle or ultimate agency by which the order of things is presumably prescribed; the decreed cause of events; time 3.) that which is inevitably predetermined; destiny 4.) a prophetic declaration of what must be.

Before reading the definitions I would have said that I don't believe in destiny or fate. After reading them, that is exactly what I believe in. I believe that everything happens for a reason. All the ups and downs of our lives are meant to happen because they have a direct result in how the future will play out. Whether it is a cosmic force, God, or the result of what others did in the past, I believe that everything that happens in our lives was meant to.

I know I believe this because of all the things that have happened to me over the past few years. All my issues with anxiety and depression, and all the events leading up to those struggles, were meant to happen so that I could share my story and connect with people I never would have other wise. At my job, myself and the current front desk person both interviewed for the front desk position. She got it. Without going through that interview process I would not have been remembered by the manager when another position opened at the company and that position, the one I hold now, is a much better fit for me. 

I still am unsure how destiny and fate are determined, or if they can change, but I know they are real things. By knowing that everything in my life, whether good or bad, is happening because it is suppose to makes me not have so much worry. I also don't believe that whatever is controlling our destinies and fate is evil. There is too much good in the world for it to be. So knowing that what happens is ultimately for the good, makes me feel more at ease than I was in my past. And it was my destiny to learn that.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1, 2014- Seeing Is Believing

Do you believe that you have to see it to believe it, or, do you have to believe it before you can see it?

I have always been a see it to believe it type of person. That is why I have always had a hard time with religion, and this is the reason why I still question my faith a lot today. But then I think of things like magic. Not the supernatural kind, but the magician kind. When a magician is doing a trick, and they are a good magician, you don't see how they pull off the trick. Yet I still believe what he is showing me happened (Note: I am wise enough to know that magic is nothing but illusions made to trick our brains into believing what the magician wants us to believe, but my brain still believes it because it sees it). So if I understand and have faith in that a magician is showing me an illusion, thus allowing me to believe it, why can't I have faith and believe other things I don't see? Things like: the love my family and friends have for me, the love I have for my family and friends, sound waves when I'm listening to music, the salty taste I get when at the beach, etc.

Maybe instead of always having to use my sense of sight to believe things, I can use my other senses. It's like a line from one of my favorite books, A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks, explains that we don't have to see the wind to believe that the wind is real. We can see the affects of the wind and we can feel the wind, but we don't actually see it. And we all know that wind is a real thing. Maybe instead of sight, I can believe things based on how they feel to me, smell, or taste. Or if I have to see it, maybe then seeing the affects around me is enough to believe. The truth is, we all have to believe in something. Why does that me we have to see it for it to be true?