Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26, 2015- Take For Granted

What are you taking for granted that you are truly grateful for? After stopping and thinking about this, how can you show your thanks for it? Is it simply in recognizing that you’re grateful for it?

One thing I take for granted is the fact that I live in the United States. The fact that I, as a female, live in a country that allows me to pursue what I want to pursue, say what I want to say, walk down the street by myself, and basically live how I want to live without repercussion. Not everyone gets to do that, especially when they are female. I need to recognize this more often and be thankful that I live in the country that I do. People risk their lives to get here, and I was lucky enough to simply be born here.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25, 2015- Yummy Snack

What yummy snack or meal did you eat today? 

I recently discovered how yummy black olives are. I love them on my pizza and in my salad. Today I had pizza with black olives, pineapple, and ham on it. It was exactly what I wanted. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 24, 2015- Talent

What talent do you possess that you are thankful for? Are you fantastic at doing crossword puzzles? Are you a great dancer or do you make the best cup of tea? Write down your unique talent and be grateful for it.

I am thankful for the talent that I can write. Writing is what has helped me so much the last few years and helped me to get through things. It is what I studied in school and what I do every day. I don't know what I would do without it.

Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23, 2015- Grateful Photo

Take a photo of something you’re thankful for and stick this in today’s entry. It can be anything you like, but it should be inspiring and act as a reminder to actively embrace gratitude.

My puppy. He has helped me so much through the tough times with his unconditional love and extremely goofy antics.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 22, 2015- Grateful Memory

Find a memory that you’re grateful for. 

The memory I'm most grateful for is the last time I saw my Grandpa. On his last visit from his home in Oregon to see us, he fell and ended up breaking his leg. He had a really hard time after that in regards to healing, walking, getting out o the hospital, etc. He finally was able to get well enough that my parents could drive him home. I knew when they drove away that it would probably be the last time I ever saw him in California. I knew if we were ever going to see him again, it would be us going to visit him. I made sure to give him a hug, a kiss, told him I loved him, and watched him for as long as I could. I never saw him happier. A few weeks later he fell again and ended up back in the hospital. He never did make it home.

I'm so grateful that the last time I saw my Grandpa he was so happy and excited. My Grandpa was very special to me and I miss him so much. I think of him every day. When I think about that last visit, the first thing I remember is seeing him happily driving away. I'm so grateful that is what I think of first, and not everything else. I love that when I think of my Grandpa, I remember him happy first.

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 20, 2015- Grateful I Live….

You can find something to be thankful for in everything. What is it about where you live that you're grateful for? It might be as simple as running water, a roof over your head or a garden. When you can find something you're grateful for in everything, you're on your way to happiness.

I'm grateful I live in California. The weather is perfect. I live close enough to the beach I can easily go whenever I want. I live in a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, with nice neighbors, and in a nice city. I am grateful I live close to my family. I'm very grateful for the outdoor sitting area my parents put up last year. It is the perfect place on a Summer day/night. I'm grateful that I have met the amazing friends I have in the place I live. Simply put, I'm grateful I live where I live; so much so I plan on staying in this area for a very long time.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19, 2015- Graditude

'Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others' - Marcus Cicero.
Write this quote into your journal. Read it over and think about it. Then write down your response. What does it mean to you?

For me, this quote basically means that gratitude is not only the most important thing to have, but that you can't have anything else without it. Without being grateful, you can't know when to be happy, you can't know when to be sad, you can't know when to be scared, you can't know when to be hopeful, etc.     By having gratitude for the things in your lie, you will be able to look back at tough times and appreciate what they taught you and where you are now. Gratitude is the one thing we need to all work at to make sure we have, or else life will be pretty miserable without it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015- Smiley Face

Draw a big smiley face today. You can keep it as detailed or as simple as you like. Whenever you need a little reminder to smile, just look at your smiley face and remind yourself of those things you're grateful for.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 17, 2015- Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most important virtues of life. Gratitude allows us to live in the present, recognising the beauty in the small things and fostering an appreciation for our lives that is often overlooked.
Realising what you are grateful for allows you to change your view and live with a positive outlook, embracing happiness instead of pushing it away.

The thing I am most grateful in this life is having the family that I do.

Monday, February 16, 2015

February 16, 2015- Positive Moment

Write down a positive moment from your day. It might be hearing your favorite song on the radio, a phone call from a friend or positive feedback at work. Whatever it is, record it and relive the moment, embracing positivity.

Today, not only was it perfect weather wise, I actually left work before it was dark outside. As I was driving home I checked my side mirror in order to change lanes. I was able to catch a glimpse of the sun set in my mirror. I have NEVER seen the sun that orange before. It was simply beautiful. It reminded me of the color of the sun you only see in Disney movies. I felt very lucky that I was able to see that today.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 14, 2015- Relationship Wants

What three things do you want in a relationship? 

1.) I want to be with someone who loves and respects me- both as their significant other and as a person.

2.) I want to be with someone who supports me,who I feel safe and protected with.

3.) I want to be with someone who I have fun with and who I consider my best friend.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 12, 2015- Photograph

Find a photo that you love. You can write a description if you like or you can simply leave it as a visual reminder of love.

This is a picture of me and two friends I consider family. This was the trip that started our super close friendship.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 11, 2015- Soul Mates

Do you believe in soul mates? Why or why not?

When it comes to soul mates in this day, I don't really believe in them. When it comes to the idea of soul mates in this day, it often involves romance. There is the idea that unless we find our soul mate, we aren't complete. I don't believe that. I believe we are whole and that there are others who can add to that fullness. I believe that there are people that bring out the best in us, that we care more for certain people, that challenge us (both in good ways and bad), that we are willing to do anything for, and that we are meant to be with.  Soul mates don't have to be only romantic, they can be friendships. I have had friends since I was in elementary school. Those friendships are with people that enrich my soul and that I will probably have in my life for longer than any other relationship. Do I believe in soul mates? Yes, but not in the way most people think.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015- Catching Up On My ZZZZ

Last Wednesday to Sunday I went to Canada to go visit family. The flight home was over 3 hours delayed. Between the delayed flight, going straight back to work, the 3 hour time difference, and the possibility of catching a cold bug on the plane, I'm still extremely tired. Looks like it's almost bed time. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 3, 2015- On Hiatus

I won't have Internet access for the next 5 days. I'll start up again next Monday. See you then!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2, 2015- Fictional Couple

Who is your favorite fictional romance couple? Romeo and Juliet, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett, Beauty and the Beast...write down your favorites. You can include a picture of them too.

Some of my favorite fictional romantic couples are: Noah and Allie from The Notebook, Edward and Bella from Twilight, Jamie and Landon from A Walk to Remember, Hercules and Megera from the Disney movie Hercules, Iris and Miles from The Holiday,  and Helen and Paris from Greek Mythology.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015- I Love….

The first day of February and the first day of journaling inspired by love…
Write down the name of someone you love and admire. Then write down five qualities or traits they possess in big bold letters. Be honest.