Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014- Confession

Write a confession. It can be a true confession or a fictional one…

My confession is that sometimes I worry that I will have issues with anxiety and depression again in the future. For me, I sometimes look at it as something similar to having a substance problem. Making the effort to change and not go back to my old, negative, sad, worried ways is something that I constantly need to work on. It is something that is now apart of my story and something I carry with me every day.  I think overtime it will not even be something I think about and will seem like a lifetime ago. For now though, it is still fresh.

Those 2years were terrible and I don't want to go back to it. That want to keep moving forward comes with the fear of taking a step back. I know deep down that if it does happen again it will not be as bad. The worst part was not knowing or understanding what was going on and how to get out of it. Now with my skills I have learned I believe it won't be as bad IF it every comes back. It doesn't completely rid me of fear though.

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