What traits did you get from your father?
I am much more like my dad than my mom; especially physically. I am tall and thin like him. I also got my blue eyes and blonde hair from him. I look at my dad and I can tell that we have the same nose. There is no denying that my dad is my dad. I definitely take after his side.
I also have a lot of the same personality traits as my dad. We are both creatures of habit and like routine. I also got my strong work ethic from him. Just like my mom, my dad is very neat. I take after him in that regard as well. My dad and I are also more on the introvert side. We tend to both be quiet when we are in a group with people we don't know. I also think I got my goofiness and moments of being childlike from him.
I also got some of my not so flattering traits from my dad. I can be very moody just like him. I also like to argue and always have to have the last word. Growing up this was the root of any disagreements we had. We both had to be right and win.
It's funny to watch because my older brother and I take after my dad, both physically and personality wise. As we have become older we recognize how much we are like my dad and his side of the family. Now that my older brother has kids of his own, it is interesting and easy to see which of his kids take after that side as well. In fact, my brother and his oldest daughter are so much like my dad and myself. It's like another version. To me, that's pretty cool to see.
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