Monday, August 4, 2014

August 4, 2014- Nature vs. Nurture

Do you believe in Nature vs. Nurture? What do you think has more influence?

I definitely believe more in nature has a much bigger affect than nurture. Now don't get me wrong, nurture definitely has a huge part in who we become and are, but there are some things that are just how they are. I look at it simply in my own family. Myself and my younger brother have the same parents, we were raised the same way, and we are extremely different.

The most obvious difference in what my brother and I have naturally is physical. I could eat McDonald's every day for the rest of my life and still be rail thin. I would be extremely unhealthy, but my weight probably wouldn't fluctuate too much. My brother on the other hand has to watch his weight. I also am VERY clean and organized while my brother is clean, just not on the same level as me. The thing is we both grew up with my neat freak mother and he did not take after her like I did. I must naturally have that in me. My brother has amazing hand-eye coordination which is why he is so good at many sports, while I am not very good because my hand-eye coordination is pretty bad.

I definitely think nurture has a lot to do with who we become, but ultimately it is what we do naturally that wins out most of the time. We can always change the things we do naturally we don't like, but it is always a little bit more difficult than something less natural to us. To me, nature beats nurture. 

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