Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 26, 2014- Goosebumps

What gives you goosebumps just by thinking of it?

I don't get goosebumps that easily. In fact, there is only one time in the last few years that I remember getting goosebumps for a time other than just being cold. It was at my church for a free concert by a Christian artist named Phil Wickham. I was there with my mom and my mom's best friend. It was rather loud and I had a pretty bad headache for most of that day. The music was so loud that it was making my headache unbearable. My mom's friend also had a headache so we decided after the next song we were going to leave. The next song ended up being a song called Spirit of the Living God

Now I have been to a lot of concerts and a lot of shows. I've heard both from people in real life and people on television say that a performance had given them goosebumps. I had never experienced that until Phil Wickham preformed that song. From the moment he started the goosebumps came and almost lasted the entire song. I'm not sure what it was or why it gave me them. I know I had never seen someone play the guitar so well and sing with so much feeling, and be that close to them, ever before. Even thinking about it now, I get chills. It was pretty cool and has yet to happen again.

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