Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014- The Best In Me

Who brings out the best in you? Why do you think that is? Do you bring out the best in them?

The one that brings out the best in me is my dog, Tyson. When I am with him it's almost impossible for me to be sad. I seem to always be happy and caring when he is around. I absolutely love him as if he was my own child. He teaches me the importance of helping another living being because it's me who he depends solely on for survival. He has taught me patience, understanding, and unconditional love. I am defiantly better off by having him, a dog, in my life.

I think the reason why he brings out the best in me is because he loves me unconditionally as well. He was there for me when I was going through my dark times. He was a comfort who I never had to worry about judging me. He helped me as much as I help him.

I would like to think I bring out the best in him. I give him praise and discipline. I play with him as much as possible and give him as much attention as I can. I feel like I am the one he listens to the most. To me, when I am with him I feel like he is the best dog he can be.

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