Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 8, 2014- Smell

How often do you take note of all of your senses? How often do you find yourself aware of the way things around you not only look but smell, sound, taste, and feel? Hone in on one of your senses today.
Take note of the smells that surround you today. The air, the trees, your lunch, a hug from a loved one. Whatever you do, think about how things smell.
My day smelled…

I find I am sensitive to sounds and smells. Some of my favorite sounds are waves at the beach, rain falling out side, birds chirping, and hearing my dog snore. Some of the sounds that make me cringe are the sounds of a paper cut, the sound of kissing (i.e.: every season of the Bachelor), and the sound of someone throwing up. I am also sensitive to smell. Being someone who has had multiple surgeries, there is a very distinct smell of the gas they use to put you under. If something even smells a little bit like that, I can smell and even taste that gas smell. The senses I don't hone in on or am sensitive to are taste and feel (unless it's food because I'm huge on the texture of what I eat).

My day smelled like grape. I got my hair done today and the shampoo that was used has a grape smell to it. That is all I've smelt since. I'm not normally a huge grape person because it reminds me of cough medicine from when I was a kid. For some reason though, I have loved how my hair has smelt today.

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