Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 25, 2015- Feeling

Start a paragraph with 'I love the feeling...' Write until you reach the end of the page without stopping. Read over it afterwards. Is there a way you can incorporate that feeling into your life every day?

I love the feeling of sun in my face, a light breeze in my hair, the smell of salt, the soft sand below, and the sound of the ocean waves.

So that was a little longer then then end of the page, but I didn't know how else to end it. Basically, I was trying to explain that I love the feeling I get when I'm at the beach. All my senses love being at the beach. I wish I could go there every day. I feel so peaceful and rejuvenated every time I go. Unfortunately I don.'t. So instead, I make sure to at least hear the waves everyday. I need white noise to fall asleep each night. So each night, I go to sleep to the sound of the waves.

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