Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015- Mistakes

List three mistakes you've made in your life and what you've learnt from them. They could be small or large mistakes but make sure you find what you took from the experience. We all learn something from every challenge in life even if it seems meaningless...find what you've learnt and record it.

One of the biggest mistakes I made was taking my family for granted and not realizing was how much I need my family. Growing up we all have our moments where we can't stand to be around our family- our parents are stupid and our siblings are annoying. At some point, that changes. For me, I had started to really like my family in my early to mid twenties. I knew I  needed them since I had been in and out of the hospital the majority of my childhood, but I didn't really realize how much I NEEDED them until I started having my issues with anxiety and depression. If I did not have them there to listen to me, reassure me, keep me from spiraling out of control, take my mind off things, and simply support me I don't know where I would be. I have learned how important they are to me and how much I need to have them in my life.

One mistake I made was not learning exactly who I was sooner. I know that comes with growing up. I also know that we might not learn who we are until tested. For me, I felt like others seemed to know me better at times than I ever knew myself. I could always play the what if game when it comes to this- What if I knew myself would I have not done that? What if I knew myself better would that not have been so hard? Mostly I wish I learned who I was sooner because now that I have a pretty good handle on who I am and really like myself, I love the feeling.

A final mistake I have made in my life is using foul language. I hat that I have such a potty mouth. It's not classy and can be so offensive. Growing up I grew up and hangout with a lot of boys. They all cussed and wanting to be like the cool older kids, I started as well. Now though, I wish I didn't use those words as often. I am good about it and don't use it at work, around my nieces, or around company that I know will be offended by it. However, as much as I want to not use it at all, I have learned that it is truly a bad habit. As hard as I try, it still slips out. I feel like I can't help it. I have learned, bad habits are truly hard to break.

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