Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 22, 2015- Lifestyle

In one word how would you describe your lifestyle? Do you approach your lifestyle holistically?

I would describe my life style as a trendy lifestyle. I am up on whats going on currently in the news, media, social, fashion, and music. I have understood latest health and wellness trends (even if I haven't tried them). I tend to dress based on what is considered the trend. I listen to top 40 wether it's pop, country, or rock. I also watch television, not too much though, and I have read all the books people have been talking about. 

However, even though I tend to think my lifestyle is trendy, I don't let it rule everything in my life. I am pretty good with my money and always have very little to no debt. I don't stress if I don't have the latest "it" thing, and don't feel like I'm missing out if I don't have "it." I try and live stress free and go at my own pace. I like the popular and trendy things most people like, it just doesn't make or break me.

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