Saturday, May 17, 2014

May 17, 2014- Strength

What do you find strength in?

The place where I find the most strength is in my family. They are always there to bring me up when I'm down, are the crutch when I need something to lean on, and are the motivation when I need to be pushed. When ever I am feeling weak I go to them. They give me strength by being there and listening. They offer advice sometimes, but mostly they are there to encourage. They are my rocks.

I've learned in the last few years I can find strength in myself as well. I am a strong person. I now that. When I have my doubts I look back at all I have done in the past, all my accomplishments, and all the things I have over come. Learning to gain strength in myself has been a huge accomplishment. It doesn't work all the time, but in those moments of doubts that is when I have my family to help remind me how strong I am.

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