Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18, 2014- Feeling Free

Do you feel free? If you don’t, what is it that’s weighing you down? How can you change your situation?
 Feeling free of unnecessary stress and strains is an important step towards achieving a sense of well-being.

I don't feel free. I still have some weight on my shoulders. There are two things that are weighing me down. The first, and least heavy, is that I still have debt I want to pay off. With having this debt, I can't start to save money to eventually move out on my own. Now I have done a lot in the past few months in making a huge dent in my debt, but I still have one credit card to go. I'm hoping to have that paid off by the end of Summer. (Note: I still have my car to pay off, but that is a 4 1/2 year commitment. It is not part of the weight of debt I feel holding me down.) When that final payment is made I will no longer feel weighed downed by it.

The other thing that makes me not feel free is I am still dealing with my issues with anxiety and depression. I have come a long way and I do not feel weighed down with anxiety anymore. Yes, I still have it from time to time. It's mostly when it is appropriate. Other times, it is so minimal that it doesn't even feel like I'm having anxiety. The depression is still there from time to time too, but that is normal. We all have down days. 

I think the biggest reason I still feel weighed down from my anxiety and depression is because I am still taking medication to help deal with it. I told myself that when I had a good solid year under my belt I would start thinking about coming off the medication. For the most part, this past year has been a good solid year. So, at the end of the Summer and with the help of my doctor, I am going to attempt to get off my medication. I think once that happens I will finally feel free from my few years of struggle.

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