Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014- 3 Things In Summer

Name three things you only do in summer.

Three things I only do in summer are:

 read a book while floating on a raft in the pool

get sunburned

and shop for bathing suits.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 29, 2014- Summer

What’s your favorite thing about summer?

My favorite thing about summer is summer nights. I'm not a person who partially fond of the heat, so summer nights are perfect. It's not too yet, but still warm enough to be able to stay outside all night. I love having bonfires, sitting on the beach, and having bbq's on a summer night. There is just so much life and fun to be had on a summer night. It is especially great because I live in California.

Friday, November 28, 2014

November 28, 2014- Summer Memory

What is your favourite summer memory? How old were you? Describe it.

Growing up we were lucky enough to have a pool. even though a few other neighborhood kids had pools, our house always seemed to be the house all the kids went to. One Summer my Dad had built deck platforms on either side of our above ground pool. I can't remember exactly when this was, but I know I was still in elementary school. I remember myself and all my neighborhood friends would have contests using these platforms. We would dive off, jump off, toss balls back and forth, put on performances, and do cannonballs. We were in that pool for hours every day, all summer long. Eventually we had to take them down due to safety reasons and room. I'm glad we had them for as long as we did because I still remember it.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 27, 2014- Summer Fun

Add in a photo today of a fun moment that took place during spring or summer. Write a little blurb beneath detailing when it was, who is in it, and where you were.

This photo is from this past summer. A large group of us went to a winery to celebrate a birthday. It was the first time I went to a winery with friends, and I had always wanted to do that. Even though I'm not a big drinker, it was still so nice. The atmosphere was great, the weather was great, and the company was great. This photo is myself and the 3 girls I'm closest with in the group. We have been friends for the last 5 years or so.  Life has made it a little difficult to get together the same way we use to, but we always make sure to be together for the important stuff.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 26, 2014- 3 Things This Week

What are three things you’re going to enjoy this week?

This week is Thanksgiving so I will definitely be enjoying family time, yummy food, and not being in retail for this black friday.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19, 2014- Change of Pace

This next week I'm going to try things a little differently. The prompts for the next week are all related to drawing. Things like draw my favorite animal, draw my job, draw my best friend, etc. I understand that the prompt website I chose are to go along with physical journals. For me, mine is electronic. It's my computer. Since I don't use drawing tools on my computer I don't have the best tools to draw next week. I foresee myself just getting very frustrated.

Even though I still have another 5 months or so before this year and this journal writing is over, I have already been thinking what I will do next, and it's not continuing this. I will still be writing, but it will be in a different way and on a different platform. So I think for the next week I'm going to try that. See if it will work for me. That way, if it doesn't I still have 5 months to figure something else out. So see you in a week!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 18, 2014- Enjoying Small Things

What are you enjoying today? Name three small things that you don’t usually recognize.

One thing I noticed today that I really enjoyed is how often my co-workers and I say thank you to each other. For the most part, everyone is very polite and shows each other a lot of respect. I also enjoyed that when ever Tyson walks with passion, like he is on a mission or something, his ears bounce up and down. Finally I noticed that I really enjoyed my soda at lunch time. It was the only thing that would quench my thirst. It's going to be hard when I give up soda in the new year.

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014- Magic

Do you believe in magic? What’s magic for you?

I don't believe in magic. I believe in magicians and their abilities to make amazing illusions that cause us to question what we are seeing. I don't believe though, in witches and wizards. I wish that a world like Harry Potter was real and that I could have gone to a school like Hogwarts. However, I don't believe that is real. Things like spells, voodoo, and potions are not something I think exist.

I do believe in a different kind of magic. I believe in the magic that makes people do good and be kind. I believe in the magic that brings people together. I believe in the magic when you meet someone for the first time and there is a connection there from the very start. I believe in the magic of life. I believe in the magic we all have in us.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 16, 2014- Camping

Holidays are soon to be among us. You’re going camping. Where do you decide to go and who do you take with you? What do you do?

Last night I was too content snuggled up with my puppy to get up and write. Even though writing is important to and for me, the snuggle time with my "fur-child" is just as much if not much more important.

I would love to spend the holidays in a cabin in Vancouver, Canada. Waking up on Christmas morning, snow falling outside, fire going in the fireplace, sipping hot chocolate on a giant couch, opening presents, and spending time with my family sounds perfect. I would love to spend the day either sledding, tubing, or ice skating outside. At night my family and I would eat a big dinner at a giant table. After dinner we would gather together, eat dessert, play games, and watch old family movies. 

Being the only family in California, I would love to get to actually spend the holidays with family. I would like to take to Vancouver my parents, brothers, sister-in-law, nieces, my dog, my nanny and papa, my 4 aunts, my 3 uncles, and my 4 cousins. All of us under one roof for Christmas would be amazing. Hopefully one day it will happen.

Friday, November 14, 2014

November 14, 2014- Say Cheese

I wasn't really into the topic question today. It involved me drawing a pie chart. Instead I thought I would share a video that made me smile today. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014- Ipod Shuffle

Put your music player on shuffle and press play. Now write down the first five songs that play.

1.) "Up Up & Away" by KiD CuDi

2.) "Dirt Road Anthem" by Jason Aldean

3.)"Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon

4.) "Solider" by Gavin DeGraw

5.) "Voices" by Saosin

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12, 2014- Sight

What was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes? How did your surroundings affect your mood or productivity? Think about the way things look in your life and the sights you encounter or a daily basis.
My day looked…

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was my door. When I woke up I was on my back, facing the left. Directly in my view was my door, which was closed the majority of the way but still slightly cracked. I could see the hallway behind it. It was still dark so I knew no one else was up yet. I then looked at my clock and saw I was up 2 minutes before my alarm goes off. Being up before was nice. I'm not much of a morning person, so any time I wake up early, on my own, it puts me in a good mood.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 11, 2014- Tast

What was the first thing you tasted today? How did it make you feel? Was it a sweet day or savoury? Salty, spicy, fragrant, rich… There are so many wonderful words to describe taste.
My day tasted like…

The first thing I tasted today was actually toothpaste. The first food I ate though was a fun-fetti/birthday cake muffin. It was very sweet and yummy. The rest of my day I ate mostly salty. That is what I prefer. I am much more prefer salty over sweet. I love potato chips and french fries. I would take that over a piece of chocolate any day.

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014- Feel

Think about how you day actually feels. A soft bed, a smooth table top, rough bark, grainy sand, sticky treats. How do these textures make you feel? What emotions do they evoke?
Take notes throughout the day as you become aware of different consistencies and the way each touch is different.
My day felt like…

Unfortunately I did not pay too much attention to how things felt today. For me, waking up in my warm soft bed is what I remember most in regards to how things felt today. I thought about it near the end of my work day; how nice it will be to lay in my bed tonight. The cooler weather and it being a Monday, I was tired today. The feeling of my bed was something to look forward to.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014- Sounds

Today, hone into the sounds and noises of your day. What did you hear on your way to work? What sounds did the shower make? How did they make you feel? Make note of the way different sounds affect your mood.
My day sounded like…

My day soured like peace and quiet. I was home most of the day by myself so I took advantage of it. I was able wash and vacuum my car. The sounds of the vacuum was present for awhile. However, the neighborhood was quiet. I spent part of my afternoon catching up on the television shows. My living room was filled with the sounds of A to Z and The Vampire Diaries. Late afternoon was filled with the sounds of being outside. While I was laying on the hammock outside ready, I took amount to listen to everything I heard. A few different types of birds chirping, a dog barking, an airplane flying above, and  a light breeze blowing the trees. Tonight, the sounds of the hockey game will be filling my ears. By taking a moment out today, and listening to what was around me, moments of peace and calm were felt.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 8, 2014- Smell

How often do you take note of all of your senses? How often do you find yourself aware of the way things around you not only look but smell, sound, taste, and feel? Hone in on one of your senses today.
Take note of the smells that surround you today. The air, the trees, your lunch, a hug from a loved one. Whatever you do, think about how things smell.
My day smelled…

I find I am sensitive to sounds and smells. Some of my favorite sounds are waves at the beach, rain falling out side, birds chirping, and hearing my dog snore. Some of the sounds that make me cringe are the sounds of a paper cut, the sound of kissing (i.e.: every season of the Bachelor), and the sound of someone throwing up. I am also sensitive to smell. Being someone who has had multiple surgeries, there is a very distinct smell of the gas they use to put you under. If something even smells a little bit like that, I can smell and even taste that gas smell. The senses I don't hone in on or am sensitive to are taste and feel (unless it's food because I'm huge on the texture of what I eat).

My day smelled like grape. I got my hair done today and the shampoo that was used has a grape smell to it. That is all I've smelt since. I'm not normally a huge grape person because it reminds me of cough medicine from when I was a kid. For some reason though, I have loved how my hair has smelt today.

Friday, November 7, 2014

November 7, 2014- Feel Better

Name three things that always make you feel better.

Three things that always make me feel better are:

1.) My Mom

2.) My dog

3.) The beach

Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 6, 2014- Dream Home

Fill in the prompts below.

My dream home:

Looks like…
A lot like this.

Is located…
in Huntington Beach, California.

Inside, there is…
dark hardwood floors everywhere.

Outside, there is…
a pool and a fireplace/fire pit.

What I love most about it is…
barn doors I will have on multiple doorways.

How I’m going to make it happen…
hard work and saving money. Or winning the lottery.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 5, 2014- Not Sure

Not sure what's going on with blogger but I can't access it on my computer. Guess I just have to settle for watching the country music awards. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4, 2014- Maps

Draw a map of your neighbourhood today. Add in important landmarks, noteworthy details and names. You could even draw in the paths you take on certain routes or color code different areas. Make it yours.

I don't have a drawing program on y computer that is advanced enough to do this kind of drawing. I could easily get a map of my neighborhood online, but I prefer not to give that much detail on where I live for anyone and everyone to see. It's just not safe.

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014- More and Less

Answer the prompts below in your journal today.

One thing I should do more often: Be out in nature. Go on hikes, have picnics, go for a bike ride, etc. I live in a beautiful area and I don't get out and enjoy it enough.
One thing I should do less often: Drink soda. I have one a day usually, and that's just not good. I know how bad soda is for you, but I drink it anyways. I know better.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2, 2014- November

Finish this sentence. My favorite thing about the month of November is…

My favorite thing about November is it becomes the official start to the holiday season. The last Thursday of every November in the United States means Thanksgiving. Getting together with family and having a yummy meal is what is the overall traditions. Other traditions begin as well. I always help my mom out by cooking the green bean casserole. For my family, the weekend after Thanksgiving is when we decorate the house for Christmas. Now that, I don't work in retail and have to work the dreaded BLACK FRIDAY, I can actually enjoy this weekend. I just love that November means that family time is beginning. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 1, 2014- Finish This Sentence

Fill in the prompts in your journal today.

Last night was Halloween so I was out enjoying the festivities. Back on track tonight.

Right now it’s… freezing!! Well, California freezing. Fall has definitely arrived.
And I feel like… Cuddling up on the couch with my puppy, a warm blanket, and watching a movie.
I can reach out and touch… my cup of water, the t.v. remote, my phone, and a peanut butter cup I've been saving to eat.
I’m loving… that it is cool enough to wear my favorite kind of outfit: jeans, oversized sweater, a scarf, and boots.